Shaping the Future with Regeneration

We all see it, humanity driving full speed ahead toward a cliff, our heads down determined to stay the course. But what if we could build a bridge or pathway to an alternate future? A pathway founded in Regenerative Principles rooted in nature’s own intelligence.

REGENiTECH sees the path forward as one that embraces life and incorporates the multitude of Natural Solutions that exist all around us. Regeneration is the Future, join us and be part of the change.

Our Ecosystem

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The Network

The mycelial network is one of nature’s most impressive creations. Long before we built the digital internet, plants and fungi had developed an ingenious way to exchange nutrients and information biologically. So many solutions have been with us for millions, even billions of years, it is impossible to find a guide with more experience than nature. REGENiTECH has been looking to nature to solve difficult problems since our founding. Biomimicry is the term that is often used to describe this approach. We seek not just to mimic the behavior of natural systems but to integrate them into our designs.

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The Products

In a balanced ecosystem there is no such thing as waste. Waste is the byproduct of human activity out of balance with natural cycles. On a small scale most of our waste could be recycled back into biosphere but given the global population and the increasing demand on natural resources to support our modern lifestyle we are overwhelming the earth’s ability to absorb our impact. REGENiTECH’s approach is to rebalance our environmental impact through the use of technology that converts waste into products that accelerate the regeneration of natural resources.

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The Process

Waste streams are processed through a sequence of components where the output of one component becomes the input of another. In some cases multiple outputs from one component become inputs to several components. The sequence continues until the original input is transformed into our resource regenerating products. The process is wholistic by design which is counter to the typical reductionist approach that focuses only the production or extraction of a single product. Reductionist methods often generate more waste as a byproduct. REGENiTECH components are modeled from processes that are found in nature and enhanced by our Natural Solutions Engine.

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